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Diabetes is No Excuse


Diabetes is No ExcuseAfter posting on instagram a few days ago about a very strange hypo where I experienced mouth numbness, I woke up the next morning and I experienced an all-time low of 1.8mmols during my early morning power walk to the gym. Here’s what happened…

I woke up at 6am and my BG was 15mmols, I was expecting a high number because of the crappy low I had the night before. Instead of just taking the correction insulin that was suggested by my pump I had to consider the exercise I was going to do; the walk, gym and rehearsal. With cardio in mind I reduced the correction by about 20% rather than adding 20% which is what I usually do for any reading over 15. Anyway, I left the house and as I reached the half way point to the gym (20 minutes into the 40 minute walk) I felt really exhausted so I decided that I would test my bg at the next bus stop. As I got closer to the bus stop it became more and more urgent in my mind. When I got there I sat down, tested and found the result of 1.8mmols. I quickly drank some Lucozade and ate the banana that was in my bag ready for my post workout snack. I was quite confused as to why it dropped so low after only 20 minutes of walking, especially because it was early.

Waiting at the bus stop for 10 minutes was a battle in itself, the internal argument made me doubt my ability to complete the tasks ahead. I was asking myself where the energy would come from and if it might be better to rest instead. I actually considered going home at one point, but I didn’t! I carried on to the gym. The walk after the hypo was extremely slow and it’s funny because I actually don’t remember a lot of it. Does that ever happen to you?
In an effort to stay safe and to avoid another low, when I finally got to the gym I checked again and it was 6.6mmols so I was happy and also I began to feel a bit more energetic. After a heavy lifting leg session that lasted around 40minutes, I was ready to go to my 80 minute pole rehearsal which was only 10 minutes away from the gym. So, again, I checked and it was 4.3mmols. I ate a cereal bar of 17 carbs and drank a protein shake and I wondered why it had gone down again considering how weight lifting usually ups my blood sugar.

During my rehearsal I felt shit about myself and I wasn’t really feeling any of it, but I continued on. I was choreographing a new routine and I got a little bit done but not as much as I had hoped. The rest of the day was bizarre. I felt extremely emotional and not quite myself. I think it was due to the ups and downs of the night before and the time leading up to that point.

I wrote this blog because I want you to know that a workout is possible, regardless of the excuses we tell ourselves. It would’ve been so easy for me use diabetes as an excuse and to say “oh my body is playing up and needs a rest” or “maybe I should go home until my blood sugar is normal again”. The key word here is easy. I knew that that making up excuses and going home would ‘ve been the easy option and that is what gave me the motivation to carry on. I don’t do easy, I take challenges and I complete tasks that I set for myself. If I don’t, particularly when it involves the interruption of diabetes, I see that as me letting this disease win.

Are you following me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook?

Rowena x

Pre and Post Workout Bolus Tips


Pre and Post Workout Bolus TipsWith a lot of trial and error I have come to the conclusion that bolus manipulation pre and post workout is a major player in avoiding those pesky hypos. I will try to explain how I work things out. All examples are based in comparison to my resting carb / insulin ratio which is 1 unit of Humalog to 12 grams of carbohydrate.

Pre Workout

When deciding on bolus for my pre workout I ask myself the following questions…

  1. How long before the workout will I be eating?

If I am eating 2 hours + before the workout then it is very unlikely that I will reduce my bolus. However, if I eat less than two hours before the workout I will reduce the bolus from 1 / 12 to 1/ 20. The reason for this is that insulin works more efficiently when it hits the 2 hour mark. This means that increased insulin sensitivity from exercise would be combined with the insulin at its most effective point and therefore would likely cause a hypo. Are you with me?

  1. What is the length of the workout?

Having considered the time of eating you must also look at the length of time you will be working out. If it is a short workout like a 20 minute hiit routine I would only reduce slightly. Maybe 1 / 15. However, if it is 60 minutes + I would reduce it maximum 1 / 22.

  1. What is the nature of the exercise? (e.g. cardio, resistance, high intensity or low intensity)

If the exercise is resistance training / weight lifting I will NOT reduce the bolus. It will stay the same and it will be met with an increased basal of 20%. Cardio is as mentioned above.

  1. Time of day?

The time of day is also very important. If it is before 9am I keep my bolus 1 / 12 because of dawn phenomenon. This is where your body is releases hormons that cause brief insuling resistance and therefore naturally raises blood glucose levels with or without food. After 9am I will manipulate bolus / basal as above.

Post Workout

Aside from the “before 9am rule” where nothing changes, the post workout carb insulin ratio has to be reduced. For example, as mentioned earlier my resting carb / insulin ratio is 1 / 12, but in order to avoid a hypo with the bolus for my post workout food I have to do a ratio of 1 / 15. The reduction is not as big as the pre workout because we are not as sensitive to the insulin after the exercise as we are during the exercise. The only time I would reduce it further than 1 / 15 is if I am going to workout again within 2 hours of the previous workout (that happens a lot).

I know it all sounds a bit complex but you will definitely get used to it the more you practice. I do all of the above manipulations without a second thought now as I am so used to it from training around 15 – 20 hours per week. Be it choreography, dance, pole dance, weight training, hiit training, yoga, cycling and walking.

Always remember that nothing is impossible and to keep going even when it is tough. If you need that extra kick of motivation you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Rowena x

Diabetes is Irrelevant

Diabetes is IrrelevantSometimes on Instagram, people comment on my posts and they tell me how much I motivate them, or how much they look up to me. It is really special for me to see those words. It is important that you never let anything come between you and your goals, especially something that you CAN control with added time and patience. Although diabetes is a disease that could potentially be very detrimental to our health, it is something that is very small and insignificant. That’s how I see it anyway. It is something that is part of my life, but it is irrelevant in the decisions I make when I want to improve myself. Whatever happens, I will learn and adapt along the way.

Take this for example; I was talking to a young girl about her upcoming vacation and she was sad that her mum couldn’t travel with her. I asked her why and we had the following conversation.

Girl: My mum can’t travel because she is diabetic and carries needles.

Me: she can take the needles with her on the plane; she would just have to tell security.

Girl: No, she can’t and anyway, she has the type that can kill you.

Me: What type is that?

Girl: Type 2 diabetes and she is really sick.

Me: Although both types are equally dangerous if untreated, it can be managed well.

Girl: No, type 2 is the only one that can kill you and how would you know anyway?

Me: Because I’m type 1.

This conversation indicates how someone can let diabetes dictate the direction of their lives. The type 2 lady could’ve searched for more information to realise that travel is possible when living with diabetes. When I was diagnosed, I told myself that this type 1 would not stop me from doing anything that I wanted. In a year and 2 months of living with diabetes I have moved house, travelled to Stockholm and Las Vegas twice, I have completed a degree in dance and now I am setting up my own business. It is all a matter of trial and error.

If you take anything from reading this blog, just understand that anything is possible.

Don’t forget to follow me on instagram and twitter.

Rowena x

Night Time Lows That Turn Into Highs


Night Time Lows That Turn Into HighsThis morning I woke up with BG of 10.8mmols. This is unusual for me as I normally wake up somewhere between 6 – 7.5mmols. The only thing I can put it down to is that I must have gone low whilst I was sleeping. My BG before bed was slightly out of range, around 8 but I had a bit of insulin on board that would bring that down. I was supposed to wake up and check but obviously that didn’t work out. This has happened to me before and it makes me feel really tired. I am very much a morning person and I frequently wake before my alarm goes off, but it wasn’t that easy today. I really struggled to get up and knew straight away that this was down to the high blood sugar I would soon verify with my meter.

Does this ever happen to you? What do you do about it? How much advice do you get from your doctor? My endocrinologist is pretty good as he tells me to email him if I have any problems and he usually gets back to me fairly quickly which is great. Last time I told him about waking up with high bg because of a potential low he said that “your body releases adrenaline when your blood sugar drops too low in order to save you, this is why you wake up high.” Good to know, thanks body.

Anyway, my plans for the day are good… Breakfast,  HIIT / yoga, shower, get ready for the hairdressers (I’m going a little bit darker) and then finally I will go to uni to complete my final day; the teachers are putting a little tea party together for us.

Talk to me here, Tweet me on Twitter or comment on my instagram.

Rowena x

My Rest Week Training


 My Rest Week TrainingMy rest week training looks like this… On Monday I got up at 5:30am with a BG of 9.8mmols which is unusual for me because I am usually within range. Anyway, I took a correction and a bolus for my overnight oats and coffee (32 carbs) and then I cycled to the gym whilst the sun was rising. At the gym I completed a 45 minute chest and arms workout. I then cycled back home to find my BG was 14mmols. Now, I know weight training raises bg but that takes the biscuit. Antoher correction please…

On Tuesday I woke up at 6:15am with another high BG of 9.1mmols. Again, this is unusual so I decided that I would change my site straight after my workout at the gym which focused on back and biceps. BG went up to 11.9mmols in 45 minutes even though I had increased my basal and had a small bolus. I got back home and changed the site, corrected, did 30 minutes of yoga and I was back down to 6.8mmols. Relief.

Ahh, Wednesday… A fresh new site resulted in a 6.9mmols morning BG. Sometimes it’s something as simple as changing the site. Here is my training for the week. Since I am on spring break I am not dancing as much so that is why I am going to the gym.


Exercise Reps / Distance
CycleCross Trainer (easy warm up)Push Ups (close and wide hand)Dumbbell Bench Press

Flat Bench Cable Flyes

Triceps Pushdown

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Push Ups (close and wide hand)


Yoga / Pole Dance







1 hour



Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
Cross TrainerWide Grip Lat PulldownOne Arm Dumbbell RowSeated Cable Rows

Upper Hand Cable Pulldowns

Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl

One Arm Dumbbell Curl

Standing Biceps Cable Curl



0.50k3x123x12 (both arms)3×12



3×12 (both arms)


5 Min Uphill Power Walk Incline 11

30 minutes



Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
YogaPole Dancing 40 minutes1 hour



Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
WalkLeg PressLeg ExtensionWide Stance Dumbbell Squat

Seated Leg Curl

Standing Calf Raises

Seated Calf Raises

Russian Twist

Sit ups

Seated Dumbell Press

Dumbbell Straight Arm Front Delt Raise

Lateral Raise

Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raise















Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
Faster HIIT Running 5k



Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
Faster WalkPole Dancing 5k2 Hours



Exercise Reps / Distance / Time
HIIT circuitYogaCycle 15 mins40 mins10k


Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with my latest workout / food pics.

Rowena x